Frankenstein & The Vampyre: A Dark and Stormy Night

Available now on BBC Nordic+.

On 16 June 1816, trapped inside a villa by insatiable thunderstorms erupting across Lake Geneva in Switzerland, Lord Byron challenged his party of young bohemians to a ghost story competition.

Frankenstein & The Vampyre: A Dark and Stormy Night

Watch Frankenstein & The Vampyre: A Dark and Stormy Night

On BBC Nordic+


On 16 June 1816, trapped inside a villa by insatiable thunderstorms erupting across Lake Geneva in Switzerland, Lord Byron challenged his party of young bohemians to a ghost story competition. Their confinement was to change their destiny, and the course of literary history, forever. That night, Byron's challenge gave birth to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, the gothic masterpiece of Romantic fict…

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